Birthright Vol 1 Review (What happens to those kids in fantasy stories when they have to go back to real life?)

I forgot to mention that I sorta, kinda broke one of my cardinal rules. I bought a comic book that wasn’t needed to complete my Action Comics collection. Well maybe I bought 4. But I have a good reason! I received a gift card for Amazon so I bought some digital comics. I guess I could have used the money to get one of the comics I needed from Amazon, but the last big ticket comic I need – 521, the first appearance of Vixen – cost more than I had. So I’ve been squatting on this gift card balance and buying a specific set of digital comics I've been interested in as they go on super sale. Starlight was an example of the ones I bought, but it slipped my mind to mention it at the time. Oh well.

Oh! An important heads up. Comixology is owned by Amazon so I was hoping I could use my Amazon gift card on Comixology’s website, but this doesn’t work. I was hoping maybe linking the accounts would fix it, but no dice. Comixology only accepts Comixology gift cards. The good news is that when Comixology has a sale, it normally also appears on Amazon, but I have noticed some exceptions. Just a word to the wise.

But I’ve bought my comics on Amazon and then linked them to my Comixology account to use the Comixology reader app. The Kindle app is not my favorite on my computer but it would probably be ok on a handheld device, but why get two apps if I already use Comixology.

Anyways, one such title that caught my eye is the one I’m reviewing today. I debated buying for quite some time, but the premise was so interesting and the cost dirt cheap due to a super-sale on Volume 1 that I couldn’t resist.

From the Longbox - Birthright Volume 1
Joshua Williamson
Andrei Bressan 

An ongoing series from Image Comics’ Skybound brand, volume 1 of Birthright collects issues 1 through 5. Aaron Rhodes is playing catch with his youngest son, Mikey, in the park when Mikey goes missing in the woods. As they police investigation drags on, the only suspect is the father, Aaron. With the passing months, the family is torn apart. Aaron spirals into a drunken hermit as his wife, Wendy, files for divorce and older brother, Brennan, is stuck in the middle. One year after Mikey’s disappearance, a mysterious man appears near where Mikey disappeared.

While Wendy and Brennan both question what this man did to their son Mikey, Aaron knows the truth…

Mikey was whisked away to another world, Terrenos, as the chosen hero to defeat the god king Lore. Returning victorious he is looking for fugitives from Terrenos that have escaped to earth.

Birthright is a two layered story. The first layer is in flashbacks of Mikey’s adventures in the fantasy land, Terrenos. The second layer is about the son returning home as a mighty warrior to chase fugitive magicians hidden in American society all the while picking up the pieces of a broken family after the truth is revealed that Mikey has returned. Volume 1 takes us up to and including the showdown with the first fugitive magician.

Birthright asks the intriguing question that most fantasy stories ignore. What happened to the family left behind and what happens once the hero returns to a normal life?

Who would like it:
Fans of fantasy adventures especially if you’re curious about the collateral damage of the people left behind.

My Opinion:
The fact that I bought this volume based on reading a sample of issue 1 is a good sign. The fact that I bought volume 2 as soon as I finished volume one is even bigger. It’s a classic fantasy adventure with a twist. My only complaint is that this comic is rated 15+ because it can be quite gory at times, but for the most part it’s done as a plot point than just to be gross. It could it be toned down quite a bit, but it add some realism to Mikey’s difficult transition back home.

Reason to read (SPOILERS):
As I was deciding if I was going to buy Birthright with my Amazon gift card, I remembered I had downloaded a free copy of issue #1 from Comixology. So I cracked it out and started reading. It was an interesting twist seeing the “chosen one” returning home.

And then I was hit with the last page of the first issue…

Wait…what?!? Chosen hero Mikey is actually the bad guy?!? Well that just tore a hole in everybody’s faces. How did he get here? And what’s gonna happen now? I couldn’t resist the need to find out what happens next. Unfortunately this volume won’t get you that closure, but it does end with another surprise.

Reflecting on the Hero's Crossroad:

The common question for every member of the Rhodes family is how far would you go to keep these family ties? What rules would you break to keep your family together? What broken rules would tear your family apart?