…a bulwark 'is' his exchange, and he exults not

I recently enjoyed an interesting turn of events that ended heavily in my favor. eBay had a St. Patrick’s Day promotion to list 2 items by March 16, and get a $20 coupon. With nothing left to lose and everything to gain I finally tried my hand at selling instead of just buying.
Where Mosters Dwell #15 from 1972 (my oldest book)

Weird Worlds #5 from 1973 (my oldest book in great condition)

After 7 days of waiting for the sale, I got that ever popular email: “Your eBay item didn’t sell”. Wah-wah! Not only that, after a few weeks of waiting I never got my $20 coupon. Double whammy! I felt as low as Tommy Burke!
But weeks later out of nowhere the coupon arrived! That $20 went towards 14 comics and all I had to do was pay for shipping. That’s like trading someone the ability to look at (but not keep) 2 of my comic books (that don’t fit my collection anyway) and turning that into 14 tough to find comics I’ve been searching for.
Now that’s a super exchange!
So how will it play out?

So far so good...

All that for basically nothing sounds like a happy ending to me. So what's our eBay Spiritual Lesson then? 2 Corinthians 5:21 "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." Great deal! I don't like to think of salvation as a "free" gift of God as many people claim it to be. It's more like a trade too good to pass up. There is a cost to follow God, but what you get in exchange is so much greater than you could do on your own.
As a side note, there was this interesting little tidbit at the end of the issue...
It's good that this exercise training comes with a warning to "be moderate in your exertions!" Otherwise I would improperly teach my toddler how to move around the furniture for me!

All comic book images in this post are from
Superman #1
which was downloaded from readdcentertainment.com
at the time of this writing, it was free