They shall give account thereof in the day of judgement - Free ComicBook Day III

I almost didn't go to Free Comic Book Day for the first time in several years. I've be stuck on the question that drives this blog: Does GOD like comics? Lots can happen in a year. Not counting normal stuff like work responsibilities increasing and free time decreasing for reasons like...oh...I dunno...adopting a 4 year old from Uganda and in the process of adopting a 2 year old from India.  So you can say that my life is really making an impact in the lives of two children from the other side of the planet in a big way. On top of that, my wife and I have joined a missions organization that travels multiple times a year to Africa and other parts of the world to reach out to thousands upon thousands of people. The things on my plate have a direct relationship to high value activity. I barely have time to get done the things that need to get done.

So is it time for comics to be put aside?

Recently I've been thinking about Genesis 22. It's not a popular Bible story for may people to talk about because it's where GOD asks Abraham to kill his son. Not a popular choice to tell kids in Sunday School to instill trust in their parents. But when you look at the story with a big picture attitude, GOD wasn't asking Abraham to kill his son, HE was asking Abraham, am "I more important than the thing you care most about in this world? I am your top priority?"

The cool thing was, when Abraham put GOD first above his son, GOD blessed his son. Abraham had to give up his son to keep his son. He had to give up the thing he cared about most in the world, and in return, it was given back to him in a greater way. 

Oh, yeah. Sorry for the long diversion, Cap...back to FCBD. In some weird way, I felt like GOD wanted me to take my son to Free Comic Book Day and HE would reveal HIS path in it...or out of it. 

We went to Pittsburgh Comics. Great venue. Great staff. The owner even helped me hold down my bill as I signed because I had a four-year old sitting on my shoulders and a Captain America shield in the other hand. Just a typical day for a superhero. I'd highly recommend the place to anyone. I especially like the way they set out the free comics on separate age appropriate tables so I could just let my son have at it. It was a great experience all around, but was it really worth my time? I dunno. I still not sure what's next.

Did I mention that Steve Rogers Captain America is drawn by a guy named Jesus? Not saying that will change my mind or anything, but it did spark an eyebrow raise.

Now I have arrived at the place where God had told me to go, I built an altar and arranged the wood on it. Then I tied up my hobby, comic books, and laid it on the altar on top of the wood. And I picked up the knife to kill my hobby as a sacrifice.

At that moment...