Open you the windows of heaven

I had not checked eBay since the dreaded thief stole my 28 issue super buy. But after having little luck of even finding older issues from my desired collection of Action Comics I thought it was worth a look. It's fun to peruse the available options hunting for a deal. That's a major part of the reason I've started this quest in the first place!

I found an awesome set of sporadic comics that varied from the high 400's to the early 580's. There's a reason I can't tell you the specifics. I submitted a major bid in the waning seconds, but due to poor internet service on my phone, it didn't go through in time. I had waited just a little too long. It was a frustrating loss that I had trouble forgetting about the rest of the day.

With this in mind, the next day I instinctively submitted bids for several sets of Action Comics I really wanted. Now thinking back on it, I'm not sure if it was out of either frustration or divine influence. I was the first bid on 10 separate bids and won all of them!

Hot diggity dog! 41 year old paper never looked so good!

The first set contains my #1 most wanted comic for the collection! The very first of my series: Action Comics 419. It also included 414-420, 422, 423, 425, 427, 437, 443. With shipping that came to a total of $1.79 per issue. Now the slight problem is that I already have Action Comics 427 and I'm not planning to collect anything before 419. So that means I get to try and trade what I have for what I need. Since these are pre-1975 comics I have higher hopes that they may have some return, but we shall see.

A blessing...a blessing from the Lord!

The second set contains my #2 most wanted comic for the collection! The very last of my series: Action Comics 483. This is also a custom picked set from the same seller which meant a lot of specific issues I need and I saved $13.52 on shipping. Here's what we're looking at: 
But It Now: 517 ($1.49), 524 ($1.49), 525 ($1.49), 532 ($1.49), and 557-562 ($4.77 or 80¢ per issue).
Winning Bids: 512 (70¢), 544 ($1.30), 556 (70¢), 583 ($4.53)
Not included in those prices is $3.09 in shipping, but that runs at only 22¢ and issue. 

Spiritual lesson learned on eBay #1: Don't wait until the last second.
Ezekiel 7:12-13 "Yes, the time has come; the day is here! Buyers should not rejoice over bargains, nor sellers grieve over losses, for all of them will fall under my terrible anger. Even if the merchants survive, they will never return to their business. For what God has said applies to everyone—it will not be changed! Not one person whose life is twisted by sin will ever recover.Well that's not the kind of verse you normally memorize. No one likes those THE END IS NEAR speeches, but it's important to remember that "[God has] made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Everyone is but a breath, even those who seem secure. (Psalm 39:5)So with your eBay bids and your spiritual security, it's better to act early than to wait for a last second conversion.

Now that I have over half of the Action Comics I'm looking for, I think it's time to stop focusing on gathering up comics and start enjoying what I have!